SCADA is the acronym for Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition, and is used to control equipment, collect and record data in an industry 4.0. Our SCADA is designed and developed by GREENFRIO and has been conceived for the management and supervision of all the plant’s refrigeration services that work with our equipment and controllers.

This system is based on an industrial PC that centralizes the visualization and management of the operation of all plant services and includes:

  • General overview of the status of each service.

  • Detailed screens for each service, with the possibility of:

    • Reading variables and operating status.

    • Absolute access to controller and change of setpoints.

    • Record, history and temperature graph.

    • Record, history and technical graphics.

    • Viewing active alarms.

  • Alarm management and consultation.

  • The SCADA system works uninterruptedly 24 hours/365 days.

  • Remote access from another mobile device.

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In our catalogue you will find detailed information about each of our products and services, so you can choose the industrial refrigeration solution that best suits your needs.